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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • I am glad to see us respect our link-aggregation heritage of ignoring the article and starting heated discussions based on what we infer from the headline. 😂

    It also seems that the headline currently on the article is different and switches out clickbait tactics from misleading omission to absurd pearl-clutching: “Are noise-cancelling headphones to blame for young people’s hearing problems?” If you combine them, you get something closer to actual content of the article.

  • I had a “Diamond Mako,” aka a Psion Revo Plus. Neat device, but I just wasn’t “on the go” enough to really need it. It was slightly smaller than the 5, IIRC, and it definitely wasn’t as good for typing as even a Netbook (another good candidate for a “writerDeck” btw), but it was very slick, and the word processor in particular I remember being very good. IIRC it had NiCAD or NiMH AAA batteries hard-wired into it.

  • If you’re ready to take the plunge into mechanical, Keychrons are a solid way to get one that is not absurd if all you want is “one nice keyboard,” but usually has enough customizability to be satisfying if you fall down that particular rabbit hole. For a bog standard board, any of your listed options are fine, as are most of the options on pcpartpicker.com, and even dumb ol’ Walmart will have a couple of logitechs and some rebranded thing stuff no worse than your average pack-in desktop keyboard, and potentially even a couple of mildly satisfying low-end mech boards, once you turn off the godwaful RGB.

    If you shop the actual electronics at Amazon, I’d recommend “sold by Amazon” or at a minimum fulfilled by them. If you do Prime, limit to Prime listings. Your includion of BestBuy implies you’re in the US, in which case I might avoid vendors that ship from China, at least until the tariff situation stabilizes.